Entrepreneurs don’t come into this world fully formed. The skills required of entrepreneurs have to be cultivated and developed. And most entrepreneurs have spent time working for someone else during their lives. So how does one navigate the transition from employee to business owner?
I’ve asked business coaches from around the world for an answer to an important question:
“What helps new entrepreneurs find success in their own ventures after leaving the 9-to-5 world?”
“Passion, belief, dogged determination, hard work, and knowing that at last you are free! Believe and anything is possible!“
Jenny Wardle, Psychotherapist, Coach, Mentor | Jenny Wardle
We’d love to add your expert opinion here too! Please reach out to us with your answer to this question:
“What helps new entrepreneurs find success in their own ventures after leaving the 9-to-5 world?”
Contact us today to contribute your answer!